Lowland Steppes of Hungary and High Tatra Mountain of Slovakia, 9 days
Our unique spring tour offers displaying Great Bustards on the steppe of the Kiskunság National Park in Hungary, as...
Slovakian Hills and Karstic slopes, 8 days - Springtime in the mountains!
Woodpeckers drumming loudly, evening hooting of sought-after owls, raptors abound and migration is underway! With...
Mountains and Karst Slopes of Slovakia with sought after woodland species
With its original habitats, beautiful mountainous landscapes, short driving distances and good infrastructure Slovakia is an...
Phone: Call May-October; Text all year +36 30-645-9318 or +36 30-211-0006 Call Nov-April: +506 84961012 or 84961417 e-mails: ecotoursgabororban @ gmail.com toucanbirdingecolodge @ gmail.com
Our mission
Our first priority is to save habitats & species.
Secondly we would like to share our knowledge of wildlife and encourage you to participate directly or indirectly in protecting nature.
We are also working continuously on our carbon balance with developing our 23 hectares of wildlife reserve.